For those of you who don't know... I LOVE erotica books.
Yes, I'm a little sick in the head (but we already established that with my post about rape in romance, right?)
So, I've decided to do a post each week (or at least try for every week) where I read and review some wicked erotica.

I don't know about you, but this whole premise seriously makes me chuckle. I've never thought about getting railed by a Dinosaur, but someone out there has. They even wrote a book about it.
Books like this really intrigue me. I am very open when it comes to reading stuff like this, and I will give anything a shot. (Especially when it is short, the Dino book is only 17 pages.) I'm mostly interested in seeing if the story is worthwhile--can Christie Sims make me believe that getting railed by a Dinosaur is something believable in her work? hahaha. Wellll, we will see.

<---- I think the title says it all. Check it out on goodreads.
Kay Elty has a whole series following Trinity, with some very interesting titles... If I like this one, I will probably read all of them and feature them here.
If you have any suggestions for my wicked erotica posts, please feel free to contact me! I'm always looking for freaky stuff to check out!
Be looking for the SEXING MY BOYFRIEND'S DAD post later in the week.
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